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Location & Characteristics of Tectonics
Location & Characteristics of Tectonics:
Convergent Plate Boundaries C/O:
At a convergent plate boundary the Oceanic plate is denser therefore subducts beneath the Continental plate. As a result this creates a deep ocean trench in the seabed. As the crust subducts it melts and creates volcanoes that are often violent in their eruptions. The Continental plate is lifted upwards to form mountains and where also earthquakes are common.
Convergent Plate Boundaries C/C:
At a Convergent plate boundary where two continental plates are moving together, the plates are pushed upwards as they collide. This may lead to earthquakes however, no volcanoes are found here. The Continental crust becomes crumpled into Fold Mountains.
Divergent Plate Boundaries:
At a Divergent plate boundary the plates are moving away. This type of movement mostly happens under the oceans. The gap left is filled with magma rising up from the mantle below to form volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes have become large enough to form volcanic islands such as Iceland.
Conservative Plate Boundaries:
At a Conservative plate boundary the plates are sliding past each other either in the same or opposite directions. The two plates meet at a boundary and friction cause them to stick until enough pressure has built up for them to move past each other. This causes an earthquake and the land of the fault become crumples and ridged.
Hotspots are formed when the magma rises to the surface. As the magma erupts through the Oceanic crust and fissures, lava builds up on the surface over time to form volcanic islands. As the Oceanic crust moves over the hotspot, chains of islands develop.
Economic Benefits of Living in the Danger Zone:
Volcanic soils are especially fertile, (the area around Naples, Italy, is a huge wine growing area, coffee plantation – Antigua)
Tourism – Volcanic features and hot springs attract visitors (e.g. Mt. Vesuvius, Sicily, Italy)
Rock made from volcanic ash is strong, the blocks/rocks can be used to build infrastructures (bridges, roads, homes)
Popular Volcanic tourist places such as Turkey and Iceland provides employment for the locals
Earthquakes trigger landslides, increasing copper mines. (Mining provides a good living)
Environmental Benefits of Living in the Danger Zone:
Some places are known for their beauty, therefore, people buy homes e.g. Malibu, California
In Volcanic regions, underground water gets heated and pumped directly into homes for washing, central heating and/or electricity; (cheap, renewable and clean) – Iceland’s Geothermal Powerplant
People mine near volcanoes because you can get metals (tin, gold, copper, lead, silver & gemstones) can be found in magma, - Sulphur in Indonesia
Social Benefits of Living in the Danger Zones:
People believe the chances of them being affected by the volcanoes or earthquakes are low
People in MIC’s feel safe in earthquake zones because of the earthquake proof buildings
Lack of education, therefore, residents are unaware of the risks, especially when they’re infrequently unable to move away