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Hounslow Case Study
Hounslow Case Study:
SITA UK is responsible for the collection of all the recycling and the rubbish within the London Borough of Hounslow, whether you live in a flat or a house! The borough is now in 10th place with an eight per cent business development growth between 2009 and 2011, ahead of Harrow in 11th place, Hillingdon in 19th, Ealing in 21st and Richmond in 28th place. Economic analysts put Hounslow seventh in the top ten locations in the country where business is predicted to grow between 2013 and 2017. The Hounslow Borough Council has worked hard to reduce the amount of waste it sends to landfills. In 2014, more than 36% of the town's waste had been recycled. According to the website, Hounslow’s householders had recycled an accumulated abundance of 15,809 tonnes of items within nine months, (from April to December 2012). This includes items such as paper, glass, tins, cardboards and plastic, as well as 9,550 tonnes of garden and food waste. These recycling figures accounted to a gargantuan 35% of Hounslow’s total waste. Furthermore, this had then led on to published as a “remarkable” achievement for Hounslow in the newspapers.
Moreover, due to the staggering increase in the recycling, landfill waste has now decreased. This is great news for the environment because there shall now be a decrease in the destruction of animal habitats and loss of wildlife. Also, this is helping to diminish the emissions of methane, (a threatening global warming gas that’s impact is 23 times worse than carbon dioxide). Hounslow’s new chapter into the expansion of reduction and recycling has now participated to help conserve natural resources, such as oil and energy. Recycling’s miniscule cost can have an immensely impeccable effect. Compostable garden waste sacks can be purchased for a very economical £5, for that price you are contributing to a great cause that has a long-term purpose. Likewise, there are over 40 recycling sites in the Borough of Hounslow. Besides, did you know, that Space Waye is the household waste centre where waste can be disposed of? Additionally, if you have a vague understanding of recycling, the local paper’s advertisements can help you identify the importance of it. Further, you may ask yourself, “Where does my recyclables go?” good question…
All mixed plastics are sent to Southampton to the SCA recycling UK
Cardboard is sent to the Newport Paper in Shropshire
Paper is sent to Aylesford Newsprint in Kent, where it is then turned into newsprint for national and regional papers
Glass bottles and jars are sent to Recresco in Southampton where it is made into fibre-glass which is used for insulation
Garden waste is taken to Sutton Courtenay in Oxfordshire it is composted and then used in garden centres and agriculture
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